Bringing together anything up to 500 vehicles, Chambon sur Jeep has become an unmissable rendezvous in the Puy-de-Dôme. At the foot of the Sancy Massif, it has to be said that the spectacle is more than worth the trip: legendary vehicles, some of which date back to the Second World War, gather together in this peaceful Auvergne village that suddenly seems to have crossed to the other side of the pond! And when camping with Sandaya in Chambon-sur-Lac, you’ll be right in the front row to make the most of it! 

On the programme for a weekend that’s 100% Jeep: races organised through the wild landscapes of the Sancy Massif and the Chaudefour Valley, workshops, concerts and even stands selling produce from the surrounding terroir, an opportunity to sample everything from Saint-Nectaire cheese to Auvergne sausages. There’s definitely something for every taste!

63790 Chambon sur Lac